TBA | Houston, tx 77027
sunday, oct. 19th @ 2:00 PM – 8:00PM
Vendor submission ends Oct. 01, 2025 with the price subject to change. Sending in an application does not guarantee acceptance. Each vendor will be notified upon acceptance to participate at the festival. Please send the following with your application: A complete list of all products to be sold so we can minimize duplication (including giveaways).
Please email all supporting documentation to A payment link will be emailed to you so you may secure your space(s) with a deposit and make final payment once approved.
Space Assignments
Vegan Vibez has complete control of event diagrams and space assignment. Vegan Vibez reserves the right to make modifications on event diagrams that are believed to be accurate but only warranted to be approximate. Vegan Vibez reserves the right to assign space in such a manner as it deems appropriate.
Assignment and Subletting of Event Space
No vendor shall assign, sublet, or share the event space allotted without the knowledge and written consent of Vegan Vibez. No products, parts, accessories, souvenirs, catalogs, or other goods, bearing names or other forms of advertising, other than that of the vendor, may be displayed. No firm or organization not assigned an event space will be permitted to solicit business within the event areas.
Load In & Load Out
The load in will begin between 10:30 am- 1:00 pm on Oct. 19, 2025, divided by arrival time and space location on site. These time slots will be determined and assigned a week before the event. All vendors must provide the necessary information in a time frame that will allow for effective planning.
Load out must be on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2025, immediately following the end of event (8:45 pm). All vendors must provide the necessary information in a time frame that will allow for vendor planning.
No tent/food truck/booth movement permitted within one hour before gates open, during event hours, or before patrons have left the premises, and an “all clear” from the event planners has been communicated.
There will be a clean deposit fee of $100 that will be refunded 48 hours after event if your area pass inspection.
Staff Credentials
Each vendor will receive up to six credentials per rented space for working personnel event entry. All personnel credentials received are for legitimate working personnel only. Misuses, including photos and social media postings of credentials, as well as resale, or gifting, is strictly prohibited and will be considered a material breach. Vendors will lose the right to their assigned space, must forfeit all deposits and fees, and will be escorted off the site upon any type of credential breach.
General roving park security will be provided throughout the event site.
Staff Credentials
General roving park security will be provided throughout the event site.
Health Permit
Vendors are responsible for following all local guidelines on site. If you have any existing health permits, please send copies along with the application. If you do not have any local health permits, please use the following link to fill out the temporary food establishment permit: Houston Health Department Temporary Food Permit
Staff Credentials
Vendors are required to abide by all fire safety laws set by the state, city, and county fire departments. Vendors are responsible for having required fire extinguishers, tanks, and hoses. If a vendor is utilizing propane while cooking, there will be an additional fee which is subject to change but will be no less than $100 per booth. 1. All tanks must be removed from the park once the event has ended. 2. The Fire Marshall will allow up to 60-pound tanks only.
Sale of Product
Vendors are responsible for all cash transactions, sales tax, and personal cash needs.
Liability and Indemnification
Neither Vegan Vibez, nor respective contractors, directors, officers, managers, members, employees, affiliates, licensees, designees, representatives, volunteers, or corporate sponsors (collectively, the “Vegan Vibez Indemnified Parties”) will be responsible for any injury, loss, nor damage that may occur to vendors employees, agents, contractors, representatives, or property from any cause whatsoever. It is vendor’s responsibility to protect machinery, perishables, and exhibits so that no injury will result to the public visitors, guests, persons, or property. If property does not appear to be properly maintained upon inspection by Vegan Vibez it will be promptly withdrawn from the event site. All property of the Vendor, including foodstuffs and other perishables is understood to remain in vendor’s care, custody, and control in transit to, from, or within the confines of the event area subject to the Agreement. The Vendors, upon signing the Agreement, expressly releases, holds, keeps, saves harmless, and indemnifies the foregoing persons and entities, named organizations, committees, and individuals from all claims for such a loss, damage, or injury. The vendor will be solely responsible for any incidents that occur at their booth or food/product that was sold. Vegan Vibez will share no liability for any services via food or product. We strongly suggest that every vendor get their own commercial insurance. Tip: (Coverage up to $1,000,000 with commercial insurance generally averages at about $75 and up for events).
Force Majeure
The event will be held at an outdoor venue, and therefore the holding of the event depends upon fair weather and appropriate governmental authorizations. Accordingly, Vegan Vibez obligations under this Agreement shall be excused by acts of God such as fire, storms, lightning, floods, confiscations or restraints of governmental (civil or military), strikes or labor disputes, civil disturbances, or any other cause (including the threat of any of the foregoing), that is not within the reasonable control of Vegan Vibez or not otherwise due to any negligence or willful misconduct of Vegan Vibez (each of the foregoing, a “Force Majeure Event”). In case of cancellation of the event or unavailability of space sufficient enough for vendor’s purposes, due to a force majeure event prior to the event start time, the vendor’s sole remedy will be to receive a refund from Vegan Vibez of all amounts paid by vendor to Vegan Vibez as of the date the decision to cancel the event is made, or the date Vegan Vibez notifies vendor that space will not be available due to a Force Majeure Event (in either case, the “Determination Date”). In both cases, less any expenses already incurred by Vegan Vibez in preparation for the event allocable to the space assigned to Vendor, which Vegan Vibez agrees to pay to Vendor within ten business days after the Determination Date. After the event has begun, any fees paid by or assessed against vendor will not be reimbursed to vendor and vendor assumes the risk of such fees if the event should be cancelled due to a Force Majeure event during the event.
Governing Law
This agreement shall, in all respects, be governed by the law of the State of Texas
Submit Menu
To ensure our customers that our event will be 100% compliant with rules and regulations, please submit your full product lists, by
Oct. 06, 2025 to
Rules and Regulations
By signing this application, the signatory agrees to act as the representative of the vendor company listed. As such, by signing this application, each vendor company agrees to the aforementioned terms and conditions, guidelines, indemnifications, rules and regulations set forth by Vegan Vibez. If any vendor does not follow the terms of this Agreement, set by Vegan Vibez, this contract may be terminated. In the event of a default by the vendor, the vendor shall forfeit as liquidated damages the amount paid by the vendor for the event space, regardless if Vegan Vibez enters a further lease for the event space involved.